Mindful Healthcare Speaker Series – Welcome



  1. Laurie Moore May 19, 2020 at 8:28 am - Reply

    Registerd 2 X and still have not received a link.

  2. Elizabeth Fries May 19, 2020 at 8:28 am - Reply

    Good Morning, I am Elizabeth Fries, a physician assistant and massage therapist in rural northern California. I am also a mother of two physicians, who are currently working in East Coast hospitals with COVID-19 patients. Grateful for this resource which I am sharing with them and other colleagues.

  3. Marisa Saint Martin May 19, 2020 at 8:28 am - Reply

    Hello. My name is Marisa Saint Martin. I am a physician, pathologists, transfusion medicine specialist working in Jacksonville, FL. In addition I have an ACC certification and practice as a resilience coach.

  4. Morie Alo May 19, 2020 at 8:22 am - Reply

    Hi my name is Morie an adult nurse practitioner and I practice journey meditation.

  5. Carolyn Parse May 19, 2020 at 8:20 am - Reply

    Hi! I’m Carolyn Parse Rizzo, an Energy Leadership Expat Coach based in Northern Italy. Looking forward to this series.

  6. Geraldine May 19, 2020 at 7:45 am - Reply

    Hi I’m Geraldine from Ireland. I’m a retired special needs teacher presently studying Mindfulness at Masters level, having practiced it for a long time, with the hope of teaching it in the community- the future of my work now looks very different from when I commenced the course… I’m unsure what form it will take but am optimistic it will become clearer in the fullness of time

  7. Linnea Larson May 19, 2020 at 7:43 am - Reply

    Thanks for this opportunity. I’ve been directly involved in all areas of healthcare…from lab work, psych hospital, acute care, long term care, community mental health, residency training, hospice, Federal policy making. Meditation student since late 1980s. Co created mindbody health in hospital system early 90s. Have range of superb teachers from most contemplate traditions. Lucky. Main teacher Shinzen Young. Taught yoga since 2007 and meditation. Primary interest is addressing issues of poverty…concrete…lack of justice and equality and deep, profound spiritual poverty. Thanks. Linnea Larson. Chicago area

  8. Kathleen M BurnsPower May 19, 2020 at 7:42 am - Reply

    Hi ! I am Kathleen M. BurnsPower and currently am on mental health front lines on Martha’s Vineyard. I live din Worcester and worked at Community HelthLink and had my own private practice for years, I am a graduate of the MBRS program.. I miss the mindfulness prescence that you all provide. Mindfulness is an intergal part of my practice, and I have brought here to MV. I am here wanting to participate and continue to be renewed and deepen my own practice. I am grateful for my health and my family health right now.

  9. Chandra May 19, 2020 at 7:37 am - Reply

    Good day. I have worked in lab animal science for over 20 years and I have never had to experience what this pandemic has caused for the thousands of invivo scientists and the animal care takers have had to endure. We have a passion and love for animals and that is why we support scientific break throughs for both people and animals. The compassion fatigue is felt through out my institution and I am looking forward to connecting with this mindfulness journey.

  10. Virginia Swain May 19, 2020 at 7:37 am - Reply

    I am Virginia Swain from Worcester, MA. I have worked on five continents as a holistic coach, counselor and spiritual guide. I focus on giving health care professionals what they need for burnout, grief, stress. I have coached and counseled doctors, nurses, administrators and many other professionals in health care.

  11. Matthew May 19, 2020 at 7:36 am - Reply

    Good morning, my name is Matthew, and I am both a clinical massage therapist as well as a meditation instructor for the health system hospitals where I live. I look forward to hearing from all the speakers today, for I have seen firsthand of the last three months, The unprecedented amount of stress that our healthcare providers are experiencing.

  12. Anita May 19, 2020 at 7:34 am - Reply

    Hello! I am Anita and I am both a Registered Counselling Therapist and a Registered Psychologist. I live in Halifax, NovaScotia. Mindfulness has changed my life and I watch it daily change the lives and wellbeing of my clients. Looking forward to learning how to widen my own awareness of client need in this challenging time while continuing to thrive myself.

    • Karla May 19, 2020 at 7:39 am - Reply

      Hello, my name is Karla Torrea, I am from Mexico and I work as a psychotherapist with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Mindfulness is a very important skill for emotional regulation, so I am happy to hear these speakers series. Thank you

  13. David Keith Harrison May 19, 2020 at 7:31 am - Reply

    Hello, my name is David, and I am from North Yorkshire, England. I am a retired National Health Service Biomedical Scientist and Head of Pathology. I have concerns about mental health issues for colleagues working on the frontline in the NHS and Care Homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to hear about the role Mindfulness can play in helping ‘traumatised’ workers to come to terms with the anxieties and stresses they have witnessed and worked through. Can working with people via the internet be an effective counselling alternative to traditional sessions in a clinic room?

  14. Alli May 19, 2020 at 7:21 am - Reply

    My name is Alli and studying counselling and psychotherapy at Masters level. I’m wanting to explore the benefits of meditation.

  15. Kyle Hopkins May 19, 2020 at 7:20 am - Reply

    Hi, I’m Kyle Hopkins, the health/leadership teacher at an all-girls’ independent high school in Buffalo, NY – Buffalo Seminary (SEM). I will be taking the 8-week MBSR training this summer to deepen my own practice (4 years of practicing on my own via various apps) and to help me introduce mindfulness to my students (and hopefully faculty). Teaching via zoom has been very challenging these past few months for both teachers and students. I hope the mindfulness work I do starting today with this live talk and moving forward will infuse my personal and professional life and give me new reserves to handle these uncertain times.

  16. Maleena Suppiah May 19, 2020 at 7:19 am - Reply

    Hello, I am Maleena Suppiah Cavert. I head medical education and staff wellbeing at a public hospital in Singapore. I also teach yoga, mindfulness, positive psychology techniques, and mindful self-compassion. I used to work in Italy, France, Austria, the UK, and Germany. Lovely to ‘meet’ the international community here!

  17. Sabrina Nichole Crouch May 19, 2020 at 7:15 am - Reply

    Hello, my name is Sabrina Crouch and I am a licensed psychologist living in New York. I started meditating in September to learn to manage the psychological aspects of chronic pain from cervical stenosis. I am looking forward to integrating mindfulness and meditation into my work with children and parents.

  18. Patricia Dobkin May 19, 2020 at 7:15 am - Reply

    Bonjour, I am Patricia Dobkin, author of Mindful Medical Practice: Clinical Narratives and Therapeutic Insights. I am an Associate Professor in the Dept of Medicine at McGill University – in Montreal, Canada – the hotspot in our country. I lead wellness workshops for doctors and other health care professionals.
    I continue to learn from all of my teachers – MERCI for your wisdom and leadership.

  19. Ken Burgess May 19, 2020 at 7:12 am - Reply

    I am a semi-retired family, occupational and emergency physician. I have has been on faculty at McMaster in Hamilton Ontario since 1980, teaching medical students and residents. I helped found the first free –standing Occupational Health Clinic in Canada. I was a leader in the Hamilton Family Health Team and the Ontario Association of Family Health teams. I have been meditating for about twenty five years. I have attended numerous retreats and courses and teache mindfulness and in particular the neuroscience of mindfulness. Since 2014 I have been a co-chair of the Faculty of Health Science Program for Faculty Development’s Discovering Resilience Leadership Team which has run mindfulness courses and workshops.

  20. Judi Durham, Phd., LPC May 19, 2020 at 7:11 am - Reply

    Hello. I am a retired professor and psychotherapist in the US, and have also worked internationally. Currently I am advocating for, and working with, undocumented people, refugees and asylee, groups that that are routinely marginalized and disenfranchised. Using mindfulness practices have become important both personally and with clients.

  21. Bianca King May 19, 2020 at 7:00 am - Reply

    Hi! I’m Bianca King, I live in Geneva, Switzerland. I am a counselor and I teach MBSR as well as offering other mindfulness support. Looking forward to being part of this wonderful community.

  22. Whitney Treloar May 19, 2020 at 6:55 am - Reply

    I’m Whitney. I just graduated from nursing school last month and started my BSN last week. As a 51 year old graduate nurse, I’m looking to hit the ground running once I pass my boards this summer. While hospice, ICU, private duty, and OR are my current interests of specialty, I’m open to possibilities if anyone has an opportunity for a compassionate, empathetic, wise and trainable “baby” nurse. 😉

  23. Deona May 19, 2020 at 6:47 am - Reply

    Hi, my name is Deona and I live in northwest Michigan. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist who works in hospice but I’ve not been able to see patients since the beginning of this Covid pandemic. While I practice mindfulness and meditation on a personal level, I’ve been interested in doing more to bring this practice into my work and to share its benefits with others, both professionally and mainstream.

  24. Nancy Ortiz May 19, 2020 at 6:42 am - Reply

    Hi, I’m Nancy a school counselor in New Jersey. I’ll have to listen to the recording of today’s session since I already have a conference call but looking forward to participating in the other sessions! I hope everyone is doing well.

  25. Sharon May 19, 2020 at 6:41 am - Reply

    Hello! My name is Sharon. I am an Occupational Therapist in New York City. I work with children in the NYC Department of Education. This has been a very stressful time for myself and my students!!! This is ground zero for the virus and some of my students are trying to cope with loss and illness as well as poverty. Many are also bored although they are doing their classwork remotely. I want to offer them a constructive, important and meaningful skill they could utilize their whole life.

  26. Janet Riben May 19, 2020 at 6:39 am - Reply

    What an interesting group of people here from all over the world. Love it!! I am Janet Riben, American, born in Maine but have lived all over the place. Now 75 and certified as a lifestyle coach and a dream builder coach plus have studied under Tony RObbins and Dean Graziosi – all amazing courses and now from our home in Norrtelje Sweden (my husband is Swedish) i am working on setting up mastermind groups and dream building groups for seniors who want to get the most out of life to the very healthy and energetic end!!

  27. Deb Clark May 19, 2020 at 6:38 am - Reply

    I am a retired Oncology Nurse interested in your session as I now am the Pastoral Care lead at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Stowe, VT. serving a variety of people. I am interested in your session for myself and our Pastoral Care Team to ncorporate some mindfulness practices into our outreach.

  28. Paula May 19, 2020 at 6:32 am - Reply

    Hi! My Name is Paula and I am a Clinical Social Worker from Minnesota. I work as a mental health consultant in PCP doing Short term and some time long term therapy to patients referred to me by primary care providers (PCP). I am currently working from home during the pandemic and having a harder time with the phone and virtual visits myself and would love to lean more skills to help me relax and to potentially help patient in their time of need. I have followed a few of the teachers/speakers in this series and am very excited to hear what they have to say in this series.

  29. Mary May 19, 2020 at 6:19 am - Reply

    Hello, my name is Mary. I am a licensed professional clinical counselor and licensed professional art therapist working with children and families in Northern Kentucky with community healthcare. I practice meditation on my own and try to bring it into my practice with clients when applicable. Self care has been an important theme for me and I am grateful for this offering!

  30. Vjollca May 19, 2020 at 6:17 am - Reply

    Hello dear,

    I’m Vjollca Zymberi from Kosovo, also I’m a psychologist and cbt therapist. And I want do know more and more about mindfullness. This can help me be more proffesional with my clients. Thank you for this opportunity to learn from such a proffesional team.

    Best regards,

  31. Ricardo Reis May 19, 2020 at 6:15 am - Reply

    I’ve nade the eight weeks programme for introductio to mindfulness Terê um Brasil.
    It will be a great oportunity to go deeper in the subjects related tô the application of mindfullness in health care

    • L.S. Yulia Savitri May 19, 2020 at 6:37 am - Reply

      Hi, my name is Savitri from Indonesia. I am a psychologist and a lecturer. I am trying to be mindful in my daily life because of my health condition lately and i feel better day by day. So i want to learn more about mindfulness and be able to apply it to my family, clients and student as well

  32. Virginia Vander Hyden May 19, 2020 at 6:13 am - Reply

    My name is Virginia and I am an Occupational Therapist and Mindfulness Teacher from Toronto, Canada. We have been providing telehealth services to individuals in the community during the pandemic. Coming into week 10, I am feel a bit worn down but also remaining open and feeling energized by so many opportunities, connections and the sense of global community. Grateful for this course, thank you.

  33. Patricio Martinez-Aguirre May 19, 2020 at 6:12 am - Reply

    My name is Patricio, and I am a Psychologist specialized in HR Management. Through my experience as an executive, I realized that something was missing in any implementation plan of any trend in HR issues. Something did not fit or was incomplete. The dimension of integral well-being, self-knowledge and self-care were not considered. It is what People Management needs to be truly comprehensive.

  34. Rosario Hidalgo May 19, 2020 at 6:03 am - Reply

    I’m a private practice psychiatrist in Tampa, FL. Long term learner of mindfulness. Interested in hearing this perspective geared towards health care professionals in this trying time. Thank you for organizing it and sharing with open access. Looking forward to it.

  35. Maria May 19, 2020 at 5:49 am - Reply

    I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner from the Boston area, working remote during this pandemic. Grateful for this teaching to help with my selfcare.

  36. Marcia May 19, 2020 at 5:38 am - Reply

    Retired nurse and meditator in the Thich Nhat Hahn tradition with hospice experience in the US. Appreciate the opportunity to learn from these fine presenters.

    • Louise May 19, 2020 at 7:37 am - Reply

      Hi I’m wondering if you used mindfulness in palliative care nursing as it what I do.

  37. sarah May 19, 2020 at 5:35 am - Reply


    My name is Sarah Quint, I am from Columbus, Ohio. I work as the employee wellness nurse educator at nationwide children’s hospital. I am excited for this series as I have been implementing mindfulness weekly into employee’s days.

  38. Mary Ellen May 19, 2020 at 5:35 am - Reply

    My name is Mary Ellen, living in the Boston metro area. I am a mother, former educator and currently work as a chaplain. I am interested in learning more about building resiliency and inner sustainability, especially during these “unprecedented times” not only for myself but for my companions at work and the people whom I serve.

  39. Dinah Bukowski May 19, 2020 at 5:34 am - Reply

    Hi: I am an Intensivist in Bay Area. As the pandemic has evolved my emotional reaction has run the gamut from fear to boredom to an unsettling “are we ever going to get out of this?” Social by nature, the isolation imposed by this has definitely been the most difficult issue. I have read several of Jon-Kabat Zinn’s books and look forward to this presentation.

  40. Viviane Richardson May 19, 2020 at 5:33 am - Reply

    I am Viviane Richardson, a jungian analyst and a clinical psychologist working in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I have a private practice with many English speaking expatriates and young adults. I have been practicing mindfulness for only a little while. I am very pleased and grateful for this opportunity to learn more about it with so many experienced and renowned teachers.

  41. Liz Haas May 19, 2020 at 5:33 am - Reply

    I am a licensced clinical social worker/psychotherapist in private practice in Newton, Massachusetts. I work with adolescents and young adults, parents, as well as adults in general. I have been enhancing my practice with mindfulness techniques more and more. Grateful for this opportunity.

  42. Ulrike Adeneuer-Chima May 19, 2020 at 5:20 am - Reply

    Hi, my name is Ulrike Adeneuer-Chima, I am original from Germany and moved to London in 1995, where I began my journey as psychotherapist. I currently work in private practice as psychotherapist and coach in North London. I am very keen of learning more about mindfulness and have introduced a lot of my clients to the principles of mindfulness and how it affects our wellbeing

  43. Janice Johansson May 19, 2020 at 4:42 am - Reply

    Hello. I’m Janice Johansson. I am a psychotherapist in the Chicagoland area. I work with a variety of patients, incorporating mindfulness practices. My interests include anxiety management, resilience, emotional intelligence and human growth potential. I look forward to continuous awakening moments and learning new insights from this renowned group of Mindfulness seekers.

  44. Sara May 19, 2020 at 4:34 am - Reply

    Hello, my name is Sara. I am a Clinical Psychologist working for the NHS in the UK. I work with children who have physical health issues and their families. I also work with children who have life-threatening illness. I run a Mindfulness group for parents of children who have a chronic illness.

  45. Humberto May 19, 2020 at 4:28 am - Reply

    I’m Humberto Zanetti licensed MD, Mindfulness teacher and Psycotherapist in Rome (Italy).
    Thank for this oppotunity

  46. Sulekha Chandra May 19, 2020 at 4:10 am - Reply

    Hello everyone, my name is Sulekha Chandra. I am from India.

    My main interest areas are: Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness

    Founder- Gyan Paradise (www.gyanparadise.com)

  47. Ma. Cristina May 19, 2020 at 4:07 am - Reply

    Hi, Im a licensed Psychometrician working in an all-girls college in Manila, Philippines

  48. Andy Bonner May 19, 2020 at 3:52 am - Reply

    I am a manager of a 24 bed harm reduction hostel, in the Derry, Ireland, as with many
    homeless hostels we encounter clients with wide ranging issues including trauma from the conflict here, plus all the other major issues that people with addictions who “fall through the cracks” of our society endure,
    Stay safe,
    Peace love and happiness to you all.

  49. Annelie May 19, 2020 at 3:48 am - Reply

    Hi I am Annelie and I am psychologist in private practice and also a mindfulness teacher in Cape Town South Africa. Thank you for this opportunity to learn from the experienced mindfulness teachers.

    • Hi , Mu name is Margarita García. I am from Colombia, I am a doctor, medicine teacher and family psychotherapist in private practice and also a mindfulness teacher.

      Thank you for this opportunity !

      • Catalina ortiz laguado May 19, 2020 at 7:13 am - Reply

        Hi, I am Catalina, from Colombia , Dr in Medicine , psicoterapia in sistemic family practice, Mindfulness teacher , tanks for this oportunity

  50. yvonne deutsch May 19, 2020 at 3:45 am - Reply

    My name is Yvonne Deutsch, I live in west Jerusalem Israel, I am a psychotherapist and a femnist peace activist. I know that my personal development affects my ways with my clients and the activists that i want to come back and work with on their wellbeing.

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